Discuss & share your asset mapping designs, methods, models

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12 years ago
0 posts

Hi All,

I have had discussions offline with a few of you about various mapping methods you use, whether they be online or when working with communities!

I have posted examples from Donnie ofProject Australia who offers a step by step process forExposing real community wealth through asset mapping and had discussions with Lachlan, Chief Executive at Deaf Aotearoa about non-ABCD frameworks for online users such as The Brain and even discussed adapting a popular charity app likeRaise the Village for connecting people.

So, today I stumbled across a link forDesign Ethos Programming Mapping utilising the principles of ABCD and thought it could be useful for some of you!

I have also attached 2 documents for you to mull over (if you haven't already!) - the first one has a couple of good, visual maps for street mapping and apartment block mapping, the second one is a Skills and Passions Audit from work undertaken by Peter Kenyon from the Bank of Ideas on Lord Howe Island - each has their own unique take, as do communities...

So, what are some of your methods? Whether they have been successful or not! What have you learned from asset mapping? What might you do differently?

I will endeavour to start to add my vast collection of resources to this website over the next few months, please feel free to share!

Yours in Community,



ABCD Asia Pacific Network

updated by @dee-brooks: 10/24/16 04:46:48PM
