Olinda Ricard-Hodge
Olinda Ricard-Hodge
10 years ago
3 posts

What specific events/activities yield the greatest amount of visability within communities?

updated by @olinda-ricard-hodge: 10/24/16 04:45:18PM
Mac Johnson
Mac Johnson
10 years ago
16 posts

Cincinnati, Ohio, USA: We're having good experiences ABCD-organizing public-engagement events around a "generative theme." This theme is our felt need re unemployment and under-employment, to thus develop alternative-economic activity, with special concern for treasured young people. This attractive theme and ABCD responses are congruent with wide "signs of our times." (See TEDx collaborative-economy video: http://bit.ly/1ocyoHm).

Sample events by our Economics of Compassion Initiative (ECI http://econofcompassion.org/about):

An ABCD-purpose of convening these peer-conversation-animating events (see Peter Block's "the Six Conversations" at http://www.asmallgroup.net) is "Targeted Assets Mapping." This is "to identify skills, capacities, resources to mobilize toward a specific (ECI) project or goal" (see attached 2p ABCD definitions).

Our ABCD goal is Smart Network Weaving (SNW): To introduce emerging social enterprises, etc., to people they need to know (customers, fans, local investors, mediating structures). This ismaking needed connections for Community-based Economic Development (CED) with ABCD. For example, a top need of local social-business start-ups (after a biz plan) is investment capital. (See Chapter 7 of Michael Shuman's book Local Dollars Local Sense "Unaccredited Investing in SEC Land.") So, based on peer conversations, we connect people to, e.g., to social business, credit unions, etc., at display tables at the back of a festive ECI-event room. Social-capital-rich faith communities have proved valuable assets in this ECI ABCD event-work.

From this Event- and related Targeted-ABCD work, I'm interested in connecting to other ABCD practitioners in this network to TEACH EVENT-PROMOTERS & -CONNECTORS ABCD. I think ABCD Event Projects can provide a targeted occasion for ABCD leaders, in a variety of contexts, to teach (& ourselves better to practice). This Ning, and other emerging online technologies, are assets for such targeted work. Perhaps a offering periodic e-course -- together -- can support local ABCD-Event "campaign" projects?

Short-term ABCD-Event campaigns (2-3 mos. before a scheduled event) -- with Connector's Tables, generative themes & teaching ABCD experientially -- can yield community visibility. Crucially, Connectors can mobilize interestedpeoples' & institutions' associative "Networks" and "Crowds." I think such needed ABCD-Event organizing offers us a project opportunity for an ABCD-In-Action Ning "Community of Practice," using e-courses, etc. What do you think, based on your practice and local-events? Who do you know (who I don't) with a strong "motivation-to-act" re this ABCD proposal? SNW connecting: Can you "close a triangle" between them and me? Thanks!
