Andrew Williams Jr

Together, we can positively impact the lives of people around Los Angeles most vulnerable to the effects of income inequality, climate and adverse environmental conditions, particularly re-entry, homeless and emancipated youth who are also most in need of regenerative infrastructures including food sovereignty solutions and a permanent export-oriented entrepreneurial support infrastructure replicable county-wide, state-wide, nationwide and worldwide. as Co-Creators of the Post-2015 Business Engagement Architecture to:

17.16 Enhance the global partnership for sustainable development, complemented by multi-stakeholder partnerships that mobilize and share knowledge, expertise, technology and financial resources, to support the achievement of the sustainable development goals in all countries, in particular developing countries (and at-risk communities) Presidential Policy Directive on Global Development

17.17 – Encourage and promote effective public, public-private and civil society partnerships, building on the experience and resourcing strategies of partnerships, pursuant to the pursuant to UpSkillAmerica and the Presidential Policy Directive on National Preparedness

We are working with,,,and other new media stakeholders who are syndicating stories, films and solutions through faith-based and “Citizen Journalist/Citizen Producer” broadcast networks to mobilize and expand a technology-powered partnership hub to Heal Los Angeles to “Heal the World” For the Children by bringing Peace to the Streets through collaborative arts and technology to Leave No One Behind.

Join us to register and mobilize 4,000+ civil society (faith-based and neighborhood partnerships, ngos, nonprofits, business associations, labor organizations, academic institutions and cities) and 1,000 new small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) including Freelancer, Home-Based, Micro- and Small-Medium-Enterprise businesses as Journalists and Producers to mobilize the local to global supply chain, to complement the National Export Initiative in compliance with the Ten Principles of the U.N. Global Compact that localize Sustainable Development Agenda stories, films and solutions from all communities and nationalities in a StandForUnity!

Thanking you, in advance for your heartfelt efforts to “Make That Change” to achieve a Collective Better Future for themselves and the generations to follow by modeling stories, films and solutions demonstrating the Integrated Whole Community Approach to Leave No One Behind in either thriving, mainstream or high-risk conflict-affected areas in the City of Angels and through building worldwide community resiliency networks in a Stand For Unity!

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