Joshua Hugg

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How can ABCD efforts be sustained in the face of "community participation fatigue"?

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Ron Dwyer-Voss
04/06/11 11:48:49AM @ron-dwyer-voss:
p.s. Have you met Jaime Angula, from Neighborhood Housing Services of Silicon Valley. He runs their community building and organizing program and is also an engineer by training and background. I enourage you to get in touch with him. Let him know I recommended you contact him...we have known each other for years
Ron Dwyer-Voss
04/06/11 11:46:05AM @ron-dwyer-voss:

Hi Joshua,

Glad you found ABCDinAction! We hope this is a useful place for you to get and share ideas, questions, thoughts, etc. In the Community Organizing forum there are folks with similiar interests - finding sustainable approaches to seemingly entrenched issues like drug and gang issues. Please dig in!

Ron, on behalf of The Sustainability Team