Member Blogs
ABCD Institute
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Create Account
ABCD in Action is an online community of people from around the world working to build stronger communities that embrace the gifts and assets of everyone. You are welcome to join us by creating an account. Please answer the following questions completely. Please tell us enough about yourself so that we know you're a real person!
your name
Use your real name. Either your full name, your first name or another name by which you are known.
We ask that you use your own individual name for your username. We want members of this community to feel that they are connecting with people, not faceless groups.
email address
You will be able to use either your email address or your name to sign in to ABCD in Action. We need both to approve your membership.
please enter your password
repeat password
repeat the password you entered to be sure there are no typos
human check
check this to let us know you are human, and not a spam bot.
What village, town, or city do you live in or closest to?
State or Province
What state, province, or region do you live in? If your country does not use these designations, please say "none"
What country do you live in?
how did you hear about abcd in action?
why do you want to join abcd in action?
what are your gifts and talents?
We hope all members feel that they will have something to contribute to this online community. Please let us know in what ways you might contribute.
what does the c in abcd stand for?
pick one!
This is a required question to help us determine if you are a real person.