John McKnight - Beware the Invasion of the Needs Surveyors article...

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13 years ago
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A friend whom professionals call disabled says, If youre coming to help me, youve come to the wrong place. I refuse to fill your need for needs. Its his wry recognition that many people have jobs that depend on other peoples problems. They call these problems needs the raw material of the service industries.

Like the glass half full of water, each of us is half full and half empty. Our full half is our gifts, skills and capacities. Our empty half represents our problems, deficiencies and needs.

The power of the empty half is that it creates a market for professionals whose income derives from fixing people. To expand, this market needs more people to fix or more things to fix in people.

The search for fixables is called a needs survey. It attempts to identify and quantify local brokenness, deficits and problems. This search for needs is much like the work of mineral prospectors searching for the ore that powers many industries. With a majority of all Americans working in the service industries, the search for needs is at the very heart of our economy.

Click on this link to read the whole article:Beware the Invasion of the Needs Surveyors

updated by @dee-brooks: 10/24/16 04:46:48PM
