12 topics
Community News
» Our forum is the place you want to connect with each other. Check out the categories of conversations in the forum and share your thoughts... Tell us what you're working on. What's the biggest challenge you face? What can others help you with? Find topics that interest you and respond. We're here for each other!
4 topics
Coronavirus and Communities
» We invite you to join a conversation and/or start a new conversation about how your community is dealing with the coronavirus pandemic.
7 topics
Connecting to each other
» Would you like to connect with other people in your part of the world? Start a new conversation in this part of the community forum and see what shows up. Be sure to include your country, continent, city, or neighborhood - whatever makes sense - in the subject line so people can tell where you are from.
1 topics
About ABCD in Action & How do I....?
» Questions, answers, and information about this online community. We'll try to share various tips and tricks about using this platform as well.
29 topics
ABCD - Getting Started/Challenges
» Do you have questions about how to use ABCD? Maybe you're just getting started with organizing your community and aren't sure where to start... Maybe you've run into a challenge and would like some help.
5 topics
ABCD - New topics
» Do you want to post a question or start a conversation, but you aren’t sure where it should go or you can’t find a topic it fits under? This is a great place to post it!
15 topics
Asset Mapping & Gift Inventories
» What is Asset-Mapping? What are Gift Inventories? What tools do you use? How do you use them?
2 topics
ABCD and Community/Public Safety
» How Can We Reimagine a Community-Driven, Asset-Based Approach to Public Safety?
3 topics
ABCD and Disaster/Emergency Management
» With so much great work happening globally to support building community resilience particularly in Disaster/Emergency Planning, let’s start to share our learnings. How can ABCD practice support truly community led initiatives? How can we support government and EM agencies better engage with communities?
1 topics
ABCD and Higher Education
» How can colleges and universities use ABCD in their work with students and communities?
12 topics
ABCD and Institutions (Universities, Hospitals, Government, Libraries, NGOs, etc.)
» Questions and conversations about how Local Institutions and Communities can work together and build partnerships that have effectively employ ABCD principles.
1 topics
ABCD and Libraries
» A space for folks who work for or with libraries to discuss how libraries can use ABCD to better serve their communities.
2 topics
ABCD and Social/Racial Justice
» A safe place to gather and talk about social and racial justice and the role that ABCD can play.
10 topics
Connect Locally
» Looking for someone who's interested in or using ABCD in your part of the world? Connect here or check out Groups page: http://abcdinaction.org/group. If you don't see a group from your part of the world and want to start one, let us know!
40 topics
Tips, Tools, Strategies, and Technology
» Simple ideas or complex technology? Tools may be as simple as a talking stick or as complex as a shared online platform that matches gifts and needs (e.g., Timebanks). Share ideas, questions and conversations about useful tips, tools, strategies, and technology that people can use with their communities.
3 topics
Working in the Gap
» Are you interested in how we can work "in the gap" between institutions and communities? How can you work for an institution and yet support local neighbors and associations as the leaders of change in their communities?
10 topics
Job Openings
» Job listings are not moderated or vetted, so all risk is assumed by the parties to the transaction.