Deb Wisniewski
Greetings! I'm a connector... I love to help people connect to each other, to share their ideas and to get involved in in their communities. I'm also a Faculty member of the ABCD Institute and a co-founder of ABCD in Action.

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what are your gifts and talents?:

Connecting people, ideas, communities

why do you want to join abcd in action?:


Changing Education Paradigms

I received this video from a listserv I'm on - very interesting and entertaining. Would love to know what you think...


Deb Wisniewski
05/11/11 08:04:52PM @deb-wisniewski:
Thanks for your comments Liz. Your thoughts made me re-watch this video & I agree it's very thought-provoking. I hadn't thought of education as being so tied to the model of a factory before this.
Liz Smyth
05/08/11 08:27:01AM @liz-smyth:
I love Ken Robinson's ideas. He is clear in his thoughts, entertaining and very thought provoking.
Ron Dwyer-Voss
01/27/11 11:27:57PM @ron-dwyer-voss:
Awesome!! Don't know how I missed this earlier, but glad I noticed tonight. Best 11 minutes on what ails public education I have seen. I am particularly interested in the question of how to educate people in a world where 50 % of the professions/jobs available 7 years from now have yet to be invented (U.S. Dept. of Labor).