loyce smallwood

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user image 2014-02-28
By: loyce smallwood
Posted in:

In December I had a book exchange erected in front of my home and although the bookbox was vandalized and since restored I look forward to building bonds with new and old neighbors and anticipate more exchanges during the warmer weather when neighbors will walk on this open road. I am the steward of the book exchange and have filled same with colorful books on a variety of subjects. More later.


Deb Wisniewski
02/28/14 08:22:59PM @deb-wisniewski:

wow! I didn't know that they are giving away books - that's great. yes, I'm in Madison WI.

loyce smallwood
02/28/14 05:56:13PM @loyce-smallwood:
Hello Deb: Yes, I registered my LFL on their site and am now communicating with a fellow LFL steward in SoCal (I reside in NoCal) and I have just won $100 worth of books to supply my LFL so good experiences mixed in with some unpleasant which are def offset by the positives. Thanks for the good words. You are in Wisconsin?
Deb Wisniewski
02/28/14 03:19:31PM @deb-wisniewski:

This sounds similar to the Little Free Libraries. Are you familiar with those? They started here in Wisconsin, but are spreading around the world.... Great concept and so wonderful that you are doing something similar.