April Doner
I'm an ABCD practitioner, storyteller / roving illustrator and coach / consultant based in Indianapolis, IN. I was drawn to community and knowing peoples' gifts from a very young age, but found the words that matched my passion in college in 2005 when my favorite Sociology professor handed me the "big green book" (McKnight & Kretzmann's original ABCD book.) I practice ABCD in my own neighborhood and most recently have been leading a national project coaching capturing learnings from museums and libraries who are engaging with their communities using an ABCD framework. I have a wonderful 3 year old daughter and also enjoy exploring how ABCD helps parents, children and families thrive through my own experiments in cultivating neighborly mutuality in my own life.

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what are your gifts and talents?:

why do you want to join abcd in action?:

I'm an ABCD practitioner, storyteller / roving illustrator and coach / consultant based in Indianapolis, IN. I was drawn to community and knowing peoples' gifts from a very young age, but found the words that matched my passion in college in 2005 when my favorite Sociology professor handed me the "big green book" (McKnight & Kretzmann's original ABCD book.) I practice ABCD in my own neighborhood and most recently have been leading a national project coaching capturing learnings from museums and libraries who are engaging with their communities using an ABCD framework. I have a wonderful 3 year old daughter and also enjoy exploring how ABCD helps parents, children and families thrive through my own experiments in cultivating neighborly mutuality in my own life.

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April Doner
@april-doner • 11 months ago • comments: 8
Posted a new Comment on ABCD Resources List:
"Fantastic John, thank you so much! I can't wait to look at them and will add them to the list.  Have you shared your publication with the Higher Ed ABCDI..."
April Doner
@april-doner • 11 months ago • comments: 8
Posted a new Comment on ABCD Resources List:
"Thank you Kristina! I'm glad it's valuable to you. "
April Doner
@april-doner • 11 months ago • comments: 0
Posted a new blog:
ABCD Resources on Early Childhood Literacy?
Hey y'all, Does anyone have resource recommendations on ABCD and Early Childhood Literacy? I'm flying out to NY to join some library leaders around this topic in a...
April Doner
@april-doner • 11 months ago • comments: 8
Posted a new blog:
ABCD Resources List
Hi all, I've put together this ABCD Resource list, in part to help myself keep track of all the great resources, videos, etc. that are explicitly on ABCD or on...
April Doner
April Doner
@april-doner • last year • comments: 1
Posted a new Comment on Generative Journalism Workshop Series, Spring 2023:
"I took this workshop last year and HIGHLY recommend it!"
April Doner
April Doner
April Doner
@april-doner • 2 years ago • comments: 0
Updated a Blog:
"What Brings You Joy? An urban neighborhood strengthens its community by asking unexpected questions"
Hi friends, It's been an absolute wonder and privilege for me to witness how the asset-based, neighbor-led work here in Indianapolis has sprouted and spread, ever...
April Doner
@april-doner • 2 years ago • comments: 0
Updated a Blog:
"What Brings You Joy? An urban neighborhood strengthens its community by asking unexpected questions"
Hi friends, It's been an absolute wonder and privilege for me to witness how the asset-based, neighbor-led work here in Indianapolis has sprouted and spread, ever...

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Vincent Thurman
07/16/13 01:34:37PM @vincent-thurman:

Hey there April, sorry for taking so long to respond. I have not heard ofBroadway church in Indy. I'd love to hear more about it and your ideas about ABCD. I'm sure you have some great insight. I hope you're having a tremendous Tuesday! - Vince

Patricia Taylor
04/10/13 05:01:38AM @patricia-taylor:

Hi April

Thanks for the warm welcome to the community of ABCD.

I will be working on my profile soon and try and find a picture for it.

I am attending an information seesion on Friday 12th April about the way in which Asset Based approach has been used in one Lanarkshire community.

I hope to learn from this as I have applied for a job in a new project in Lanarkshire whichwill also be using Asset Based and Appreciative Enquiry approaches. I am a bit confused as to the difference between the two, as I see them very much overlapping. Maybe someone would like to explain.

I look forward to communicating online as I find this approach really exciting.

Tricia Taylor


John Dalrymple
07/23/12 09:46:22AM @john-dalrymple:

Thanks, April. Photo added. Hope you enjoyed Toronto. At the moment we are just trying to get a different concept into our heads when it comes to thinking about our work and its relevance to the whole community. Trying to "offer" who we are, and what we do, to local people we have not previously connected with. Will keep you posted on progress. Best wishes, John [PS visited Sarasota once and loved it!]