Experimenting with Theory U shaped spaces...

Adrian Pyle
Adrian Pyle
13 years ago
21 posts

Further to my previous notes below about sustainable community building, here are three videos that relate to my linking of integrated diversity with sustainability (sorry, they go last first, middle in order below)...

updated by @adrian-pyle: 01/19/18 08:20:42AM
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13 years ago
0 posts

Thanks forthe generous sharing of your thoughts Adrian!!!

My thoughts right now:

How/where am I truly myself and allow others to be their true selves...

How can I create/hold/invite/encourage that safe space?

Adrian Pyle
Adrian Pyle
13 years ago
21 posts

And they are great thoughts Dee - the essence of all of our work in this space I think, to which I don't have any definitive answers but am continually on the search.
