an invitation to join in the 're-greening our lives' 2010

Dr.Venkat Pulla
Dr.Venkat Pulla
15 years ago
1 posts

International Conference AnnouncementEverybody is a story. When I was a child, people sat around kitchen tables and told their stories.Sitting around the table telling stories is not just a way of passing time. It is the way the wisdom gets passed along.The stuff that helps us to live a life worth remembering.Despite the awesome powers of technology many of us still do not live very well.We may need to listen to each others stories once again.Rachel Naomi Remen Kitchen Table Wisdom 2006 Many cultures in the human history have recognized the need for harmony between the environment, society and economy. What is new is an articulation of these ideas in the context of a global industrial and information society. We are about today and tomorrow. We are about accessible and insightful thinking about the most daunting questions facing the 21st century lives. We are about creating new metaphors, practical insights that will get us through today and into the futureHow is this different from previous plethora and myriads of conferences?750 Outstanding Young men and women, from different professions, trades and activities, with formal and informal persuasions, researchers and students, doctoral and post doctoral workers, activists from indigenous, environmental and political arena, youth workers, health and allied health and young artists from around the worldIn conversation spaces with250 Outstanding leaders- men and women, scientists, planners, management professionals, Psychologists, educationists, economists, social scientists, spiritual leaders, human services workers, health activists, specialists in mainstream and alternate health visions, psycho social and therapy professionals environmental activists, public administrators politicians in office, activists from indigenous, environmental and political arena, workers in areas of human rights, childrens, young peoples and women total health and artists from around the world.Conversations that take place here will assist each participants upon return to their countries to organise, re-focus their content and highlight on local issues and attempt re-greening.This group of 1000 outstanding leaders of today and tomorrow will be chosen and invited for their commitment, uniqueness in continuing their passion for re greening our lives. If you are a leader today, send us a post card express your interest and let us join you. This is your opportunity to prepare, nurture and leave your legacy. If you happen to be young and consider yourself outstanding or wish to talk about your friend, colleague who could come to this conference connect with and let us join in. An ever greening world cannot be born until each of us as civil citizens see and recognises the human and the non human side of our nature Re greening our Lives- Sarawak 2010 is your opportunity to work with todays best leaders, prepare your ground and shape your destiny.Over three days, in what we would call as The Sarawak Base CampWhen: November 2010What Is Central To This Theme? Well being of human kind Environment centring Sustainable approaches What is going right today? How can we continue to do that right for the future?Todays leaders have a determination to insure the futurejust as todays young (15-35) have a belief that they need to carve their own destiny. Bringing innovative solutions and strategies for healing our planet and making them available to all local communities across the world can not happen if we continued to speak in our own silos. What use is it if we dont have a platform to listen to each to other and to create a space where genuine partnership, mentoring could take place? So that the youth of today can neatly usher in a re-greening futureWhat new perspective?Let us imagine The Chief Minster or Premier or Governor of your State or Country, The Director General of your Health or even the Minister for Health or Food or President Barak Obamas Science Advisor Dr John P Holdren, Dr Abdul Kalam, Former President of India, Mr Al Gore, himself, several other Nobel laureates, Vice Chancellors and academics of some of your most prestigious universities in your Country, see themselves as a member of the community in which they live, first and then as a professional practitioner or as an expert scientist or as a practicing politician. If they perceive themselves as members of the community first they would be eager to share what they have and ultimately eager to learn from what others have in their community. This is the key to community engagement for sustainable transformations for all people.The conference aims to bring such leaders to envisage, shape strategic, naked decisions to take action for a more sustainable world.Isnt this the time for big words from the mind to change into words of the heart?Time for using information, intuition and common sense in the wake of our existing crisis? and toAsk experts to unmask their language and to nurture intergenerational understanding?Isnt it time for a conference that sets trends and resolves to re-green our lives!This is the preliminary alert!Please join our commitment for the re-greening our lives.Who DRIVES THESE INITIATIVES?A small group of professionals, public servants, management and social workers, academics from Brisbane, called the Brisbane Institute of Strengths based Practice. These are practitioners of Strengths based philosophies and they volunteer in the community. Positive people, promoting inward looking, human values and resilience through powerful low cost but meaningful initiatives in people change and people hope building. Same people who brought the first Global Strengths Based Strategies Conference in 2006, in India; Coping and Resilience in 2009 in Dubrovnik, Croatia and have their future carved to see the re greening 2010, only with your involvement.In the first instance write to the Convenors: Chris Montgomery to the President of the Brisbane Institute of Strengths Dr Venkat Pulla dr.venkat.pulla@gmail.comDraft Concept Brief Over View of the Conference:The Conference on Re Greening Our Lives towards Strengths Based Practice has the essential focus on three aspects of our living on this Planet. Population Environment and Human ServicesTheme of the Conference:Population, environment and organisation of human services make the straight forward business of the government. The interrelationships between population, resources, environment and development must be recognized, managed and brought into balance. This task calls upon States to reduce and eliminate unsustainable patterns of production and consumption and to adopt population and development policies that would meet current needs without compromising the prospects of future generations. Country development strategies take into account, at both the national and local levels, the linkages between population, resources and environment and the need to bring patterns of production and consumption into balance. Should this task be the only business of the government? What roles do people themselves have in ensuring that their participation is contributing to quality and standard of life without compromising the questions of unquestionability of the current demands?By reaffirming the fundamental faith in the centrality of population, environment and human services this conference provides an opportunity to review the greening and re-greening processes that are occurring in different nations, different communities in their own silos. In a rapidly changing social, political, and economic nature of our societies a more participative people centred community engagement and collaborative practice appears promising. The devolution of public responsibilities, emerging localisation, rapid changes in the human services and welfare sectors have greatly accelerated and created both, new opportunities and challenges for human development.The two central questions that the conference raises are: What is going right? And how can we keep going?Participant and presenters at this conference will exchange, parade, and demonstrate working solutions that answer todays best interests of a civil society without compromising the future of these very societies and the planet.Presentations, Papers and Workshops are to be invited from people working in the area researchers, practitioners, keen students and others who facilitate the re-greening processes in our societies.What is new in this Conference Policy?A deliberate departure in this conference from previous attempts is to bring to the forefront, the youth of our nations. The Conference aims to integrate the growing aspirations and ambitions of youth and signal the journey of hearing to the future leaders while they reflect and prepare seedlings along for a re-greening journey. My committees in different countries, Japan, India, UAE, Africa, Europe, USA, Great Britain, Malaysia and Canada will be sourcing a number of coaches and mentors with demonstrated skills and abilities to assist the conference processes for ensuring effective and facilitative experiences learning and sharing. This inclusive approach will assist in transforming the world view of the leaders that serve todays establishments, governments, NGOs This genuine youth and adult partnerships with each other will make a big difference to the world of today and the world of tomorrow.What else is new in this Conference Policy?A deliberate departure in this conference from previous attempts elsewhere in the world is to hear the Scientist and the Social Worker, the technologist and the user, the political elites and their subjects, an industrialist and an end user, urban planners and citizens, activists, journalists and the expert in discourse with the laypeople. Those who attend this conference to present would be expected to reflect and mutually listen to each others concerns and generate a well thought out presentation for the Conference. There is ample evidence of living in silos and hoping for technological fixes for our society. A suggested methodology of how these papers would evolve into products for presentations and necessary guidelines for abstracts are being commissioned across the world especially for this conference. Inter disciplinary and Transdisciplinary nature and relationship between Population, Environment and organisation and administration of human resources and welfare provisions for the society demands such a commitment to understand each other and for ensuring effective and facilitative experiences, learning and sharing.

updated by @drvenkat-pulla: 10/24/16 04:46:48PM
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15 years ago
0 posts
Thanks for posting this Venkat - it looks quite incredible - are you attending?
