Forum Activity for @sandy-newell

Sandy Newell
10/28/16 09:56:56AM
3 posts

Community Led Public Libraries

ABCD and Institutions (Universities, Hospitals, Government, Libraries, NGOs, etc.)

Yes, I work for Florida's Bureau of Library Development in Tallahassee and am responsible for providing training and technical assistance for public library administrators, new library directors, library supporters and library adult literacy program including our newest, Career Online High School.

My previous work experience was as a director, public library outreach consultant, adult literacy and more in Florida and Georgia.

It would be great if we could get more of a dialog here. I started this Forum 3 years ago.  I wonder what the "hot topics" would be today as library's are reinventing themselves.

Sandy Newell
10/28/16 07:52:17AM
3 posts

Community Led Public Libraries

ABCD and Institutions (Universities, Hospitals, Government, Libraries, NGOs, etc.)

Are there any public library staff or library supporters a member of this site?

Sandy Newell
06/20/13 09:47:51AM
3 posts

Community Led Public Libraries

ABCD and Institutions (Universities, Hospitals, Government, Libraries, NGOs, etc.)

Some public libraries are using similar community development techniques to plan and implement services. A couple of free resources out there include, Community-Led Libraries Toolkit, and a Guide for Conducting Community Leader Interviews. A more indepth book on the subject is Developing Community-Led Public Libraries published in 2013. All of these tools focus on reaching excluded communities but would be useful for a library to reach out to any unserved group.

I would like to hear more about what models libraries are using for planning and needs assessment -- especially as they implement new and innovative services. I also want to learn how libraries work with community partners on ABCD.

updated by @sandy-newell: 10/25/16 01:27:32PM