Forum Activity for @douglas-jack

Douglas Jack
05/08/12 06:24:13PM
2 posts

On Line Community Neighbourhood Human Resource Catalogue, Investment & Exchange System

Tips, Tools, Strategies, and Technology

We've been involved in Geographic Information System GIS mapping of local and regional ecological economy since 1996 but are working with this Community Catalogue, Investment & Exchange system to develop an economic engine for our neighbourhood. Other communities interested will be welcome to use our software for facilitating their own community investment & exchange systems. Please feel free to contact us if you are interested in the development stage for this software or if you have parallel systems which would enhance this option. Organizing from the Tree-roots deep, concerted, strong, penetrating, permanent, powerful and multifunctional.

Douglas Jack
03/20/12 10:56:51PM
2 posts

Neighbors & communities connecting through technology

Tips, Tools, Strategies, and Technology



LaSalle-Gardens Mutual Aid Committee is developing an online web-based Human Resource Catalogue HRC where individuals and businesses can post their goods and services for sale along with pictures, audio etc. The consumer shops on a local neighbourhood based web-site. LaSalle-Gardens has 2600 people living in 808 apartments and 50 townhouses on 40 acres. We have 3 small local businesses involved with us.


When the consumer chooses a product (goods or services) on line, they notify their intent on the website, which contacts the vendor and puts the vendor and consumer in contact. The consumer pays the vendor through the website being debited from their consumer account. The Vendor receives payment minus 7% as a transaction fee as well as is required to invest 8% for voting ratios (shares). Vendors group themselves voluntarily in 'caucuses' of similar vendor providers so as to be able to offer a greater diversity of goods and services as well as provide vendor quality controls.


We are a progressive ownership based non-profit using rateable (recorded) contribution accounting for ratios by Founder, Worker, Supplier and Consumer members each grouped in Associations. One person can have membership in any or all Associations. Accounts are interactive between Associations. Time-based human resource accounting modules measures equivalent values in time, talents, expertise, goods, services and patronage contributions for each member type. Ratios receive market rates of interest, can only be sold back to our non-profit corporation, are voting (one-ratio / one vote)

We presently have one software writer working on the development of the software and are looking for other partners who can help support the process. We are integrating this system with available freeware and other softwares widely available. Once developed communities anywhere will set up websites, where interested vendors, consumers, founders and suppliers can display their interests, goods and services, then investment and exchange develops eventually providing local interactions between generations. We expect this software can be successfully implemented in Multihome dwellings as a way of developing in house economies, for businesses to understand founders, worker, supplier and consumer capacities better as well as to launch and increase business in communities where little constructive ecological-economy is happening.

Douglas Jack project coordinator with the Sustainable Development Corporation, 'Indigene' (Latin = 'self-generating') 'Community' (L 'com' = 'together' + 'munus' = 'gift or service') LaSalle-Montreal, Quebec, H8R 1X9