Welcome to the ABCD in Action community. It's wonderful to have you with us.
Take some time to explore the site - there are plenty of blogs to read, conversations in the forum, and lots of videos. Check out upcoming events and training opportunities that you might be interested in. Be sure to check the monthly ABCD in Action Global Gatherings (see the Events tab). In addition, to all the great information here, there are also some great resources available on the ABCD Institute website. You can also join ABCD in Action on Facebook.
The 2022 virtual ABCD Unconference took place in early October 2022 and was a resounding success! Over 40 FREE sessions across 48 hours by communities around the world. You’ll find the recordings of the 49 hosted sessions on the ABCD E-Book site: https://www.abcd-ebook.site or you can access them on the ABCD Unconference website.
If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out. We'd also love to hear your ideas, questions, and more.
Hi James,
Welcome to the ABCD in Action community. It's wonderful to have you with us.
Take some time to explore the site - there are plenty of blogs to read, conversations in the forum, and lots of videos. Check out upcoming events and training opportunities that you might be interested in. Be sure to check the monthly ABCD in Action Global Gatherings (see the Events tab). In addition, to all the great information here, there are also some great resources available on the ABCD Institute website. You can also join ABCD in Action on Facebook.
The 2022 virtual ABCD Unconference took place in early October 2022 and was a resounding success! Over 40 FREE sessions across 48 hours by communities around the world. You’ll find the recordings of the 49 hosted sessions on the ABCD E-Book site: https://www.abcd-ebook.site or you can access them on the ABCD Unconference website.
If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out. We'd also love to hear your ideas, questions, and more.
Yours in Community,
Janine Ward
On behalf of the ABCD in Action Welcome Team