Jens Holck-Christiansen

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April Doner
06/12/12 12:21:08AM @april-doner:


Hm--I don't think you needed to accept my comment -- did it not show up? I'm not as much an expert on this Ning system as Deb W is...

Have you seen the book "Getting to Maybe: How the World is Changed" -- I think you might really enjoy it. It explores complexity theory as applied to social change efforts and thinking, and deals specifically with funder issues.

April Doner
05/31/12 10:06:55PM @april-doner:

Hi Jens,

Very good point.... and I have seen this happen so many times as well. There have been a lot of 'trainings' in my town, and one of the drawbacks of having things we call 'trainings' is that people come out with the impression that they're now experts... I think we can't emphasize enough that this approach is like peeling back an onion--you constantly discover new ways that you still can learn an asset-based way of doing things which often means UNlearning a non-asset-based way. I have been plenty frustrated when I hear people using ABCD in the buzzword way you describe... I brought it up at a conference once in Chicago, and the response I got--I think it was from John McKnight--was that he stopped worrying about that a long time ago when they were first coining ABCD and making decisions about 'trainings'... I believe (don't quote me) he said something about choosing to pay more attention and spend more energy on those folks that were excitedly genuinely doing ABCD than running after or calling out those who weren't but calling it ABCD.

So... that's the extent of my thinking on that. That answer satisfied me at the time, and i still sort of does, but I'm curious about your thoughts and experiences with this phenomenon.


April Doner
05/30/12 01:16:17PM @april-doner:

Hi Jens,

Welcome to the community! Hope things are going well for you over in Denmark today. I also hope you'll find this a great spot to meet people and share and deepen your ABCD work!

Your work sounds fascinating -- development is such a rich place for people to develop an understanding of ABCD on both the citizen and professional side! Your point about expecting magic is great... I'd love to hear more of what you've learned about this. Perhaps you could start a discussion thread or publish a blog article about it? I'd love to read it.

Please don't hesitate to let us know if you have any questions, concerns, or suggestions for the site. Also, you might consider uploading a photo for your profile as the more faces we can see, the more this feels like a real community of peers. :)

Thanks so much for joining us.


April Doner (Sarasota, FL)

on behalf of the ABCD in Action Stewardship Team