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what are your gifts and talents?:

Creating social hearths through creativity, art, food, and games. I’m a self-starter, natural extrovert/connector, and ardent warrior against the loneliness epidemic.

why do you want to join abcd in action?:

As a public artist with a particular focus on human connection, collective building, and trust, I believe I have much to learn from, and contribute to the ABCd community.

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Michelle Dunscombe
08/22/23 05:26:02PM @michelle-dunscombe:

Hi DJ,

Welcome to the ABCD in Action community. It's wonderful to have you with us. Please feel free to add a photo to your profile.

Take some time to explore the site - there is a treasure trove of blogs to read, conversations in the forum, and lots of videos.  Check out upcoming events and training opportunities that you might be interested in. In addition, to all the great information here, there are also some great resources available on the ABCD Institute website. You can also follow the ABCD in Action on Facebook

If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out. We'd also love to hear your ideas, questions, and more.

Yours in Community,


On behalf of the ABCD Welcome Team