Forum Activity for @april-doner

April Doner
05/07/12 09:14:06PM
54 posts

Evidence in support of ABCD

Data, Evaluation, and Research

Cheers! If you find any super gems in there, please share!

April Doner
05/05/12 02:33:55PM
54 posts

Evidence in support of ABCD

Data, Evaluation, and Research

Hi Cameron!

Not sure if you saw this thread -- I had the same question -- folks shared some great resources!!!


April Doner
05/05/12 02:14:08PM
54 posts

That is a REALLY good question, Derek...

the first nonprofit I worked at (after graduating college) has the mission statement: "SCOPE's mission is to connect and inspire citizens to create a better community." This organization integrates ABCD with other principles...

Another organization that comes to mind is that of Cormac Russell, one of the faculty at the ABCD Institute... I can't find a mission statement but there is some GREAT language on their site that you might find useful:

And this is a project within a church --Broadway United Methodist in Indianapolis, IN -- whose work I deeply admire -- that has somewhat less 'organizational' language...

Your venture sounds great -- where are you located?

Does this help?

April Doner
05/05/12 02:25:40PM
54 posts

Reporting on connections and linkages

Tips, Tools, Strategies, and Technology

Hi Dennis!

You know, i saw a GREAT program demo'd years ago when I worked at a civic engagement project... but I cannot for the life of me remember its name. I've written to my old boss there and will let you know if he gets back to me!!!



April Doner
05/05/12 04:14:33PM
54 posts

youth and ABCD

ABCD and Youth

and... here, you spurred me to write a story! I plan to add some photos later and make a blog. Thanks!!!!

How Victor Jr. Outdid Me

last year, i was painting a door with other people as part of a local world cafe project celebrating community. We were set up outside my house, on the side of the shady driveway several houses share to get in and out from the main road. (We are located in Gillespie Park neighborhood in Sarasota, FL)

As we worked, a little boy and his dad began walking by.We greeted them and exchanged introductions--their names were Victor and Victor (Senior and Junior). The boy, round-faced with bright eyes and bouncy long black curls, asked us with urgent curiosity-- "What are you doing?"
When we explained we're doing an art project, his eyes lit up. We soon learned he loves art. So we invited him to contribute to the door. He drew a big heart in black paint, and a person, and the words "I love you" in one pane of the door. It added so much to our collective artpiece!
I mentioned to Victor Jr. that day that I was so glad to meet him, because I'm interested in meeting other artists in the neighborhood. My interest stems from my work in ABCD and my current goal to create strong creative bonds between people within my neighborhood.
I had no reason to imagine that this meant anything to Victor, but about a year later, he surprised me. One day I was walking down same driveway with my friend Zach, and I heard someone call my name. It was Victor, running out excitedly to catch me. "April April! I have something to tell you!"

"What is it, Victor?"

"You remember how you told me you want to meet other artists in your neighborhood? Well I met one the other day! He lives just down the street over here. Come on I want to introduce you to him!"

He ran ahead down the other end of the driveway, and Zach and I had no choice but to follow. We got a few yards down the street when we heard someone calling Victor--it was his sister, asking where he was going and telling him he had to go home right now. "OK!" He called back. Then turned back to us. "Well, I gotta go home now. But he lives right down there-- you see the white house with the porch? Yeah that one. Just go down there and knock on the door, I know he'll be happy to meet you!"
Victor is about 8. He's one of the only people I've met who seems even less nervous about stepping across the general taboos surrounding neighbor-meeting than me... I was astounded and touched that he remembered what I said to him, literally about a year ago, and took action to help me with my own goal.
This was a powerful reminder never to forget how kids and youth are way more aware, capable, and ready to act for community improvement (and adventure) than we usually give them credit for.
April Doner
05/05/12 02:32:06PM
54 posts

youth and ABCD

ABCD and Youth

hi Robert,

How have you been?

Here's a story I just came across on this Ning regarding youth -- not sure if you saw it?


April Doner
02/01/12 01:04:32PM
54 posts

Also, if you haven't seen this before, I recommend it! It has some good 'do's' and 'don'ts' from communities I have found helpful.

April Doner
02/01/12 01:01:35PM
54 posts

Hi Dan,

That sounds awesome, and is something I'm very curios about as well. I know there are quite a few internet-based inventories out there -- this is one I'm able to remember at the moment:

Might be useful to reach out to them and ask? I'm definitely interested in what you learn--we are getting close to creating something more concrete for our loose network of artists in Sarasota (Uprise Art Collective).

What kind of group/project are you developing it for?


April Doner
01/24/12 09:05:23PM
54 posts

Does a community have to have a physical location for me to apply ABCD principles.

ABCD - Getting Started/Challenges

HI Eric,

Aha! Yes I'm sure we were on a call together, that's so neat! Also I'm close friends with Rex Lai who you might know if you're still involved with ASG? I still wish I could teleport over and take part in the ASG gatherings :) I'm with you on never deleting, it's exciting you found me in that email (I love when our non-deleting compulsions pay off).

Very happy to get re-acquainted with you too! I think you're right on with finding others to think about uncovering the assets. Together. Maybe find one or two stories that inspire you the most and use those as a way to share?

