• What's New

    Janine Ward
    @janine-ward • 18 hours ago • comments: 2
    Posted a new Comment on @eddy-zuber:
    "Hi Eddy, There are several ABCD people active in the US. You could reach out to John Zeigler at the De Paul university, his email is jzeigler@depaul.edu..."
    Jerry Hall
    @jerry-hall • 4 days ago
    @jerry-hall is now following @community
    Eddy Zuber
    @eddy-zuber • one week ago • comments: 1
    Posted a new Comment on @janine-ward:
    "Thanks for the welcome! However, I am very confused about how to message on this forum or if that's even possible. I am having a terrible time connecting..."
    John Hamerlinck
    @john-hamerlinck • one week ago • comments: 13
    Posted a new Comment on @john-hamerlinck:
    "I just came across this funding opportunity that may be of interest to U.S. based folks. T-Mobile Hometown Grants https://www.t-mobile.com/brand/hometown-grants"
  • Events

  • Newest Members

    Jerry Hall

    Jerry Hall

    Working at the intersections of our criminal-legal and behavioral health systems, especially to divert people into programs and services and away from our jails and prisons. I am also very interested in how ecosystems, processes, and data...
  • Support ABCD in Action and the ABCD Institute

    This online community is a project of the ABCD Institute, a nonprofit 501(c)3 organization, located at DePaul University, Chicago IL USA.